
Friends of Orissa has three main components to the healthcare program.

    a.    Community Health Education

    b.    Mobile Medical Clinics

    c.    Local Clinic Facilities

The Community Health Education (CHE) program contributes significantly to the overall heath in Orissa by educating the people at the village and family level in easily applied disease and injury prevention methods.  Many of the chronic health problems in Orissa can simply be prevented and treated with proper education and training. 

CHE teaches methods and remedies that are common-place in the developed world, such as the importance of washing hands in clean water, boiling water, hygiene practices, and disease prevention. These techniques and lessons will save many thousands of children’s lives annually.

The CHE program employs the principles of oral communication - simple story telling and interactive illustrations to communicate over 100 CHE health lessons in practical living for illiterate tribal villagers. CHE is a vital part of improved health for community transformation.

In addition to the CHE program, we support traveling medical clinics to bring medical treatment and medicine to village people who have no access to doctors and clinics. We are also working to establish relationships with local medical clinics to provide treatment and care for cataract surgery and more serious, longer term medical needs.

Community Health Education Classes
